APSIPA U.S. Local Chapter will organize a seminar on “The Synergy of AI and Video Compression in the Era of Internet of Video Things” at 5:30 – 7:00 pm PDT, Sep 29, 2023
Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen, IEEE Fellow, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Santa Clara University, USA
Both video compression and computer vision make use of spatial and temporal patterns present in images. With the rise of the internet of video things, numerous opportunities have arisen for synergizing AI and video compression. In this presentation, we will explore two main aspects. Firstly, we’ll delve into utilizing compressed data to perform AI tasks. Secondly, we’ll dive into harnessing AI for video compression and image signal processing.
Speaker’s Bio:
Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen received his Ph.D. degree from Princeton University. His research areas span from emerging applications that can utilize the true potential of multimedia and Internet of Things (IoT) to computer architecture that can embrace emerging applications. He has 100+ patents and 100+ technical publications. He is recognized as an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to algorithm-architecture co-design for multimedia signal processing.
Professor Nam Ling, Wilmot J. Nicholson Family Chair Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Santa Clara University, USA
Santa Clara University SCDI Room 1301
Map: https://www.scu.edu/map/location/Sobrato-Campus-for-Discovery-and-Innovation
Zoom Link:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81714880875?pwd=R0E3czhyUnNZZmJNTFpMcTliRGxrQT09 Passcode: 325170