Call for Themed Series Papers on “Multi-Disciplinary Dis/Misinformation Analysis and Countermeasures” in APSIPA Transaction
APSIPA Transaction on Signal and Information Processing has launched a themed series on “Multi-Disciplinary Dis/Misinformation Analysis and Countermeasures”. With the pervasiveness of social networks and media, digital information (health, climate, political, news articles, etc.) can be easily created and shared online by individuals, includes people and bots. Yet, online social media has become a battleground for malicious attackers to fabricate and propagate massive amounts of disinformation, with the participation of massive groups of people online (leader-follower feedback loops). This is often referred to as the “info-demic”. Dis/misinformation is a complex problem which cannot be well addressed in one traditional discipline. There is an emerging need for researchers of multiple disciplines (e.g., computing, communication, journalism, social psychology, law, etc.) to have a joint forum to understand the disinformation propagation mechanism, how people evaluate the authenticity of online information, and investigate potential solutions to combat info-demic. This themed series aims to provide a venue to facilitate idea exchange among researchers of relevant but diverse disciplines. Inter-disciplinary studies are especially welcomed. The submission window for the theme series is from May 16 to October 31, 2021.
The guest editorial team includes:
Mauro Barni, Professor of Information Engineering, University of Siena, Italy
Yi Fang, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Santa Clara University, USA
Yuhong Liu, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Santa Clara University, USA
Kazutoshi Sasahara, Professor of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Subramaniam Vincent, Director of Journalism and Media Ethics, Santa Clara University, USA
Xinchao Wang, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Zhizheng Wu, Facebook Inc, USA
Hong (Vicky) Zhao, Professor of Automation, Tsinghua University, China